Sunday 13 July 2008

7 July - Max's School Trip to Conkers

After arriving in town on 4 July, then spending the weekend at Wimbledon watching amazing tennis, Bre joined me for Max's second ever school outing. The venue was Conkers, a local (1 hour away) forest adventureland, where we spent a couple of hours doing a nature walk, riding on a short train, playing in the playground and visiting stuffed animal snakes at the gift shop (one of the highlights of the day for Max).

The kids paired off for the nature walk and were given a bag to collect leaves, flowers and twigs in. Max and Bethany started off with a bang collecting several items right away, but then Max tired of that and let Bethany carry the bag herself (seemed he thought girls LIKE to carry bags) and wandered off to pick flowers!

While most of the kids were making pictures with the items they collected, Max bored of the whole thing and went with Tia Bre to look at the ducks.

Enjoy a couple of pictures!

xo Michelle

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